Introducing Decentraland Foundation Technical Ask Me Anything Sessions


The process the Foundation is working on may take longer than expected and in some cases more technical guidance may be provided to the community. With a strong desire to suggestion We will start holding regular technical AMA sessions to remedy such issues.


With the increasing number of proposals enacted by the DAO Grants Program requiring active technical support from experienced individuals, the Decentraland Foundation will work closely with the DAO team and community to facilitate collaboration, communication on product engineering issues. , and have identified opportunities to improve education.

Multiple options for creating new spaces and mechanisms were evaluated, but many have been hampered by the concentration of knowledge and availability of Decentraland Foundation members.

Ultimately, it aims to share technical knowledge by increasing openness and trust among DAO grantees, the community and the Decentraland Foundation.


Create an easy, efficient, and secure way for anyone to submit questions to the technical experts at the Decentraland Foundation, while sharing knowledge with DAO grantees and knowledgeable members of the community.


Beginning in November 2022, weekly 60-minute meetings are scheduled on one of four technical topics incorporating the “AMA” format. AMA stands for “ask me anything” and is a type of interactive engagement where questions are usually answered in real time.

sessions topic Consistent with the current Decentraland Foundation product engineering team taxonomy.

  • Platform: Catalyst and Decentralized Services
  • dApps: UG Wearables and Emotes / Marketplace / LAND / DCL Names / Smart Contracts
  • explorer
  • SDK (and kernel)


sessions agenda It includes answering questions posed earlier and during meetings, as well as presenting relevant information on the status of what the various technical teams are working on.

  • High-level roadmap, progress and metrics
  • highlights and issues
  • Incident and vulnerability reports

Q&A database

Last but not least, our commitment is to respond in writing to all questions submitted for an AMA session within 7 days of the AMA session taking place. Written questions and answers are stored (and indexed) on Github to create a knowledge database. All sessions are also recorded and shared.

The ultimate goal is to answer all questions with links referencing the Decentraland documentation and RFC/ADR.

how it works

All AMA sessions will be held via Google Meets and announced on our general channel. Decentraland DAO Discord Server. Information about upcoming sessions can be found here concept page. Questions can be submitted prior to each AMA session via the dedicated link, but you can also ask questions during the AMA session.

The meeting will be held every Wednesday at 4:00pm UTC / 12:00pm EST.

AMA Topic date Question Submission Link meeting link
Platform: Catalyst and Decentralized Services November 16, 2022 Link Link
SDK (and kernel) November 23, 2022 Link Link
explorer November 30, 2022 Link Link
dApps: UG Wearables & Emotes / Marketplace / LAND / DCL Names / Smart Contracts December 7, 2022 Link Link

See you at the first technical AMA session of November 16, 2022 @ 4pm UTC / 12pm EST!

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Conor the Tech Veteran
He previously spent 6 years publishing research on tech stocks, and believes in using a combination of fundamental, technical, and quantitative analysis. Prior to a career in tech stocks journalism he was a technology and semiconductor analyst with a research team.


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