Introducing Decentraland Worlds Beta: Your Own 3D Space in the Metaverse


The Decentraland Foundation is pleased to announce ‘Worlds’, private four-zone large spaces associated with the Decentraland NAME that exist separately from Decentraland’s Genesis City and its LAND system. A new feature currently in beta is the Decentraland NAME (A “name NFT” within the DCL ecosystem can be assigned to an Avatar or LAND and costs 100 MANA to create or can be purchased from the previous owner in the Marketplace). The world is best thought of as an individual’s 3D space in the Metaverse. You can shape the space any way you like, create a grassy meadow or a neon-lit nightclub, and even invite people over.

The world itself cannot be sold or traded, but is intended to serve as a place for Decentraland citizens to build, experiment, and host events and interactive experiences without owning land. Our main goal in releasing the Worlds feature is to lower the barriers to becoming a Decentraland creator. The end result is the continued growth and enrichment of the Decentraland platform.

Worlds technical possibilities

Currently, individual Worlds can span up to 4 parcels (each parcel is 16×16 meters), can be up to 100MB, and can host up to 100 concurrent users. However, since Worlds is in beta, many future changes are expected, such as increasing feature size limits in both parcels and megabytes, and allowing users to host Worlds on their own servers.

You have a lot of creative freedom when designing your world, including the flexibility to define the layout of the parcels in your space. This allows you to create a footprint that best suits your needs, whether it’s a square, a long path, or something else entirely. Additionally, you can restrict visitors to the world using the same options provided through Decentraland’s SDK for Decentraland’s LAND parcels. This means that only visitors in possession of a particular her NFT (such as a wearable) or who have a passphrase can enter if they choose to do so. Otherwise, anyone who knows her Decentraland NAME associated with your world can access it.

How to enter the world

Scene-expanded worlds can be entered via a specific URL or by entering commands in the Decentraland in-world chat box. In the following instructions ‘name‘ should be replaced with the Decentraland NAME associated with the world you are trying to enter.

  • Enter to enter the world using a into your browser’s search bar and press Enter
  • To enter the world from the Decentraland in-world chatbox, first press “Enter” to open the chatbox and enter the command /changerealm nameType .dcl.eth and press “Enter” again to run the command

How to revitalize your world

Decentraland’s Worlds Beta is available to anyone with a NAME. To enable the world attached to Decentraland NAME, deploy the scene using the SDK Command Line Tool (CLI) as usual, but change the target content server. For more information, see Worlds documentation.

step 1 (only if there are multiple names)

your scene.json Scene files to add this snippet to:

  "worldConfiguration" : {
    "dclName": "NAME.dcl.eth"

step 2

Deploy using command dcl deploy --target-content

step 3

Enter your world using or /changerealm name.dcl.eth **in the inworld chat box

Do you have plans to build something amazing in your world? Share with the Decentraland community using #DCLWorlds on Twitter!

World FAQ

How do I get my own world?

Worlds are tied to a Decentraland NAME, so if you don’t already have a NAME but want a world, you’ll need to get one. NAME is his NFT in the Decentraland ecosystem and acts as a name that can be assigned to an avatar or LAND that he owns. Before you get your avatar’s name, the title you choose for yourself in Decentraland (the name that appears above your avatar’s head) always contains numbers and letters such as “#af14”. If you’ve ever noticed other users not having it as part of their avatar name and wondered why, it was because they owned the name.

To get a NAME for yourself, you can build one at the builder for a cost of 100 MANA, or buy an existing NAME from a previous owner on the marketplace. If you choose to create one from scratch, you’ll be limited to 15 characters and should settle for a name that hasn’t been claimed by anyone else yet.

Why am I getting a 404 message when trying to enter a world?

Worlds are active only when the scene is expanded. If you get a 404 message, it’s likely that the world owner hasn’t expanded the scene yet.

How big can the world get?

Currently, Worlds can be deployed up to 4 parcels in size, with scene sizes up to 100MB, and can host up to 100 concurrent users. The world limit was intentionally set higher than the maximum deployable scene size for Genesis City in Decentraland (up to 60MB for 4 lots) to give creators flexibility to experiment and learn. I’m here. However, since Worlds is currently in beta, these limits are subject to change.

How do I create a scene that expands into my world?

Scenes in Worlds are created using the same SDK used to create scenes and experiences in Decentraland. Web-based builder and upcoming tools Decentraland Editor available to create them. You can find more information for creators in the Decentraland documentation.

i don’t code. How do I design a scene and deploy it to my world?

The Decentraland Foundation and the DAO have put together a talent directory of creators and other professionals they have worked with and can recommend for future projects. Currently the directory is under “Metaverse Studios” in the content creators section of the Decentraland documentation.

With over 180 studios to choose from, design and deploy structures, create wearables and emotes, as well as plan, develop, and experience full-blown interactive experiences. You can also use the filter feature to find studios that are in your time zone and speak the same language as you, to ensure that the final studio you choose is the right one.

Can I control who can access my world?

yes. When creating a world scene with Decentraland’s SDK, you can restrict who can enter the world to only those who have a specific her NFT (wearable, etc.) or have a specific passphrase Mechanism can be defined. These are the same options available in the Genesis City scene in Decentraland.

Where will Worlds be held?

The world is currently hosted on servers operated by the Decentraland Foundation, but in the future we will want the option to host the world on our own servers.

Can wearables be used in worlds?

yes. He appears as his regular Decentraland avatar in Worlds, and can access owned wearables and emotes via his backpack, just like in Genesis City in Decentraland.

Can I travel between Worlds and back to Genesis City?

yes. In all worlds, you can use the chatbox to enter commands and teleport to other worlds, just like in Genesis City. Each world also has a button in the upper left corner to return to Genesis City.

To enter another world using the chatbox:

Press “Enter” to open the chat box and type “/changerealm” name.dcl.eth (where name is the name associated with the world you want to teleport to) and press ‘Enter’.

I already have worlds, why should I buy LAND in Genesis City?

Currently, Worlds can only accept up to 100 visitors at a time and can only accommodate up to 4 lots. If you want to build a large scene or have events with more than 100 people at all times, you will need to buy or rent LAND. Scenes and experiences deployed in his LAND in Genesis City are more easily discoverable by users as they do not need to know specific information such as their name in order to visit. You just come across scenes while exploring. Additionally, Worlds will not grant additional votes like his LAND parcel. Also note that Worlds-hosted events will not be listed on the Decentraland event page during Worlds’ beta stage.

Can I move a scene from my world to Genesis City or from Genesis City to my world?

Yes, it’s that easy. Make the necessary changes to the scene.json file (if you have multiple NAMEs and need to specify the world where the scene is deployed) and redeploy the scene to the distributed Catalyst network. Genesis City.

Note that Worlds has a larger size limit (100MB, averaging 25MB per parcel) than LAND parcels (15MB per parcel). So make sure your scene is sized appropriately for your deployment to Genesis City!

Can I create an event listing on my event page for events happening in my world?

Not at this time. However, this will be possible once Worlds moves from beta to full release.

How does the Worlds feature work?

This capability is endorsed by the open Decentraland Architectural Decision Records, in particular ADR 111, ADR 144, ADR 128 and ADR 86.

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Conor the Tech Veteran
He previously spent 6 years publishing research on tech stocks, and believes in using a combination of fundamental, technical, and quantitative analysis. Prior to a career in tech stocks journalism he was a technology and semiconductor analyst with a research team.


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