OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis: May 22-28


Welcome to Metaverse Market Analysis! Every Monday we bring you the latest statistics and data on the overall state of the Metaverse market. This column is in partnership with the amazing team at OneLand, the financial platform for virtual lands in the Metaverse. This week, we bring you statistics from the OneLand metaverse market analysis from May 22nd to May 28th, 2023.

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OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis May 22-28
Meta Ranking (7D)

OneLand 7 days data shows the total land market capitalization of 10 listed projects decreased by 0.44% to 772,997 ETH, or 1,475 million dollars (+5.3%), and the difference between ETH conversion and US dollar conversion is 5.8% This is the result of ending the week higher. Meanwhile, the metaverse tokens $SAND (+13.7%) and $CUBE (+13.9%) also rose.

The project landcap remained stable for the most part, with the exception of The Sandbox (up +4.86% for the second straight week) and Decentraland (down -5.7% for the fourth straight week).

OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis May 22-28
Sandbox and Decentraland land caps and average prices are converging

Sandbox and Decentraland land caps are once again on par, and if this trend continues, the card could flip within days. Average land prices are also converging, aided by some big sandbox sales in recent weeks.

BYOPils and Treeverse, on the other hand, saw a dramatic boom in deal activity, with deal volumes up 642% and 416% respectively, while all other projects (except Decentraland) experienced a decline in seven-day sales. Finished the week.

OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis May 22-28
Weekly Top Performer by Average Price / Metaverse Heat Index (7D)

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See here for a description of the data calculations. For comprehensive metaverse market and project data, check out: one land world.

one land is a one-stop MetaHub offering Metaverse data and analytics, Land NFT Marketplace, LandFi Tools and Metaverse MediaHub. Our mission is to make it easy for you to find, access, follow, research and invest in the Metaverse projects you love most.

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*All investment/financial opinions expressed by NFT PLAZA are based on the personal research and experience of the site moderators and are for educational materials only. Individuals should thoroughly research any product before making any type of investment.

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Conor the Tech Veteran
He previously spent 6 years publishing research on tech stocks, and believes in using a combination of fundamental, technical, and quantitative analysis. Prior to a career in tech stocks journalism he was a technology and semiconductor analyst with a research team.


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